The new year is upon us. For some it's just another year. For some it's a new year, new you.

Personally, I don't make new years resolutions. I do however, remind myself to dream big and take risks: if you succeed, you’ll be happy; if you fail, you’ll be smarter. Win Win.

I recently came across a video of Oprah speaking at the Stanford School of Business. She talks about career, life, and leadership. The last minute is what resonated with me most. I’ve paraphrased it for you…

“There are no wrong paths. There’s no such thing as failure. Failure is just [life] trying to move you in another direction. You get as much from your losses as you do from your victories. The losses are there to wake you up. When you understand that, you won’t allow yourself to be completely thrown by a circumstance. Your life is bigger than any one experience. Relax…it’s going to be ok. You’ll know you’re on a detour when you’re not at ease with yourself. That is the cue that you need to be moving in another direction. The way through the challenge is to get still and ask yourself what is the next right move.”

Life is about learning and you can’t learn if you’re dwelling on what was or what you can’t change.

So with that in mind, I wish you all a happy new year. I hope that instead of making new years resolutions, you choose to simply live life to it’s fullest potential.


I've been trying to put these fundamentals to practise. In doing so, I’m finding it easier to tap into the creative energies of the world. I told a good friend about this and she said that she doesn’t believe in “blocks”. She thinks creative energy is always around, sometimes we’re just more in tune with it than other times and we need to learn to harness it when we need it.

1. Change yourself

2. You are in control

3. Forgive and let go

4. Take care of this moment

5. Without action, you aren’t going anywhere

6. Everyone is human

7. See the good in people and help them

8. Persist

9. Be congruent, be authentic, be your true self

10. Continue to grow and evolve.


Panned gold comes in different shapes and sizes.  We recently made a ring for someone using gold they had panned themselves.

I don't know what it was about the flakes but they inspired me to make more nature-inspired jewellery.

It seems silly to keep mining when we already have so much gold. And people don't buy gold the way they used to. It makes so much more sense to use what we have. Melt what you don't wear. Turn it into something you will wear and recognize it's value.


I had an epiphany this weekend. It’ll sound like a glaringly obvious realization, but it’s one of those things that you need to realize on your own.

I was looking at photos of jewellery my dad’s made over the years when I thought to myself, I hope that one day soon I can make jewellery like my dad. Then the light bulb went on and I realized that if I can’t make jewellery like my dad, IT’S OK. Furthermore, I don’t care to make certain types of jewellery, and that’s ALSO OK.

It’s normal for humans to pressure themselves to live up to someone else’s level of excellency. And although we should definitely try to reach those levels, it’s ok if we don’t. Not reaching them doesn’t mean we haven’t worked hard or produced amazing things.